Farewell to Avignon

Happy new year from Maree and Chris!

Since our last post, we have been re-united (Maree flew into Lyon Saint Exupéry, from where we caught a quick train south to our flat in Avignon), and Maree has been united with her new e-bike. At last we are set to begin our grand adventure as planned.

In classic take-it-easy style, we’ve taken four weeks or so to ease into la vie Française, and have been taking leisurely walks around Avignon, and almost as leisurely rides out into the surrounding towns. We also spent a week in the Luberon trying to get better at French while checking out the crazy beautiful villages perchés around us. A new page on takeiteasybiketouring.org tells more.

But in the time that Maree has been here, Avignon has got a fair bit colder than we’d prefer, so we’ve decided to head south for winter. On new years day, we head to Arles - our first stop on the road to Toulon, where we’ll jump on a Ferry to Sardinia. (And then we’ll ride along Sardinia to catch a second ferry to Sicily, which will leave us a long ride back to France in Spring). We’ll start a new page and keep it up to date as we head south, and perhaps send another post when we make it to Palermo.